Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK for C: Reference 1.16
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protection_descriptor_cc.h File Reference

Defines C-Style ProtectionDescriptor interface. More...

#include <time.h>
#include "mip_cc/common_types_cc.h"
#include "mip_cc/dictionary_cc.h"
#include "mip_cc/error_cc.h"
#include "mip_cc/result_cc.h"
#include "mip_cc/string_list_cc.h"
#include "mip_cc/dynamic_watermark_cc.h"
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Data Structures

struct  mip_cc_user_rights
 A group of users and the rights associated with them. More...
struct  mip_cc_user_roles
 A group of users and the roles associated with them. More...


typedef mip_cc_handlemip_cc_protection_descriptor
typedef mip_cc_handlemip_cc_user_rights_result
typedef mip_cc_handlemip_cc_user_roles_result


enum  mip_cc_protection_type {
 A description of whether protection is defined by a template or ad-hoc. More...


 MIP_CC_API (mip_cc_result) MIP_CC_CreateProtectionDescriptorFromTemplate(const char *templateId
 Creates a protection descriptor whose access permissions are defined by an RMS template.
 MIP_CC_API (void) MIP_CC_ReleaseProtectionDescriptor(mip_cc_protection_descriptor protectionDescriptor)
 Release resources associated with a protection descriptor.


char const int64_t int64_t * actualDescriptionSize
char const int64_t int64_t * actualNameSize
char const int64_t int64_t * actualOwnerSize
char const int64_t int64_t * actualReferrerSize
const char char const int64_t int64_t * actualsupplementalInfoSize
char const int64_t int64_t * actualUrlSize
const int64_t const char const char const char const time_t const bool allowOfflineAccess
const int64_t const char const char const char const time_t * contentValidUntil
const int64_t const char const char * description
char * descriptionBuffer
char const int64_t descriptionBufferSize
int64_t * descriptionSize
bool * doesAllowOfflineAccess
bool * doesContentExpire
const int64_t const char const char const char const time_t const bool const mip_cc_dictionary encryptedAppData
const mip_cc_dictionary mip_cc_protection_descriptor mip_cc_errorerrorInfo
const int64_t const char * name
char * nameBuffer
char const int64_t nameBufferSize
int64_t * nameSize
char * ownerBuffer
char const int64_t ownerBufferSize
int64_t * ownerSize
const mip_cc_dictionary mip_cc_protection_descriptorprotectionDescriptor
const int64_t const char const char const char * referrer
char * referrerBuffer
char const int64_t referrerBufferSize
int64_t * referrerSize
const mip_cc_dictionary signedAppData
const char char * supplementalInfoBuffer
const char char const int64_t supplementalInfoBufferSize
const char * supplementalInfoKey
const char int64_t * supplementalInfoSize
char * urlBuffer
char const int64_t urlBufferSize
int64_t * urlSize
const int64_t userRightsCount
const int64_t userRolesCount

Detailed Description

Defines C-Style ProtectionDescriptor interface.

Definition in file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ mip_cc_protection_descriptor

◆ mip_cc_user_rights_result

◆ mip_cc_user_roles_result

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ mip_cc_protection_type

A description of whether protection is defined by a template or ad-hoc.


Based on an RMS template.


Custom, ad-hoc protection.

Definition at line 52 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

52 {
53 MIP_PROTECTION_TYPE_TEMPLATE_BASED = 0, /**< Based on an RMS template */
54 MIP_PROTECTION_TYPE_CUSTOM = 1, /**< Custom, ad-hoc protection */
A description of whether protection is defined by a template or ad-hoc.
Custom, ad-hoc protection.
Based on an RMS template.

Function Documentation

◆ MIP_CC_API() [1/2]

MIP_CC_API ( mip_cc_result ) const

Creates a protection descriptor whose access permissions are defined by an RMS template.

Gets a value from the supplemental info dictionary.

Gets size of buffer required to store a specific supplemental info value.

Gets the dynamic watermark.

Gets List of users-to-roles mappings.

Gets list of users-to-rights mappings.

Gets double key URL.

Gets size of buffer required to store double key URL.

Gets encrypted application data.

Gets signed application data.

Gets protection referrer.

Gets size of buffer required to store referrer.

Gets whether or not offline access is allowed.

Gets protection expiration time (in seconds since epoch)

Gets whether or not content has an expiration time or not.

Gets content ID.

Gets label ID.

Gets template ID.

Gets protection description.

Gets size of buffer required to store description.

Gets protection name.

Gets size of buffer required to store name.

Gets protection owner.

Gets size of buffer required to store owner.

Gets type of protection, whether it is defined by an RMS template or not.

Creates a protection descriptor whose access permissions are defined by users and roles.

Creates a protection descriptor whose access permissions are defined by users and rights.

templateIdTemplate ID
signedAppDataApp-specific data (cleartext) that is signed into the publishing license
protectionDescriptor[Output] Newly-created protection descriptor instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
userRightsGroups of users and their rights
userRightsCountNumber of user/rights groups
nameProtection name
referrerReferrer address (a URI displayable to a user that provides information on how to gain access)
contentValidUntilProtection expiration time
allowOfflineAccessDetermines whether a license to consume content can be cached locally
encryptedAppDataApp-specific data (cleartext) that is encrypted into the publishing license
signedAppDataApp-specific data (cleartext) that is signed into the publishing license
protectionDescriptor[Output] Newly-created protection descriptor instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
userRolesGroups of users and their roles
userRolesCountNumber of user/roles groups
nameProtection policy name
referrerReferrer address (a URI displayable to a user that provides information on how to gain access)
contentValidUntilProtection expiration time
allowOfflineAccessDetermines whether a license to consume content can be cached locally
encryptedAppDataApp-specific data (cleartext) that is encrypted into the publishing license
signedAppDataApp-specific data (cleartext) that is signed into the publishing license
protectionDescriptor[Output] Newly-created protection descriptor instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
protectionType[Output] Protection type
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
ownerSize[Output] Size of buffer to hold owner (in number of chars)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
ownerBuffer[Output] Buffer the owner will be copied into.
ownerBufferSizeSize (in number of chars) of the ownerBuffer.
actualOwnerSize[Output] Number of chars written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If ownerBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualOwnerSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size.
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
nameSize[Output] Size of buffer to hold name (in number of chars)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
nameBuffer[Output] Buffer the name will be copied into.
nameBufferSizeSize (in number of chars) of the nameBuffer.
actualNameSize[Output] Number of chars written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If nameBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualNameSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size.
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
descriptionSize[Output] Size of buffer to hold description (in number of chars)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
descriptionBuffer[Output] Buffer the description will be copied into.
descriptionBufferSizeSize (in number of chars) of the descriptionBuffer.
actualDescriptionSize[Output] Number of chars written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If descriptionBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualDescriptionSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size.
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
templateId[Output] Template ID associated with protection
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
labelId[Output] Label ID associated with protection
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
contentId[Output] Content ID associated with protection
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Publishing licenses will have this identifier surrounded by curly braces "{}". Those braces are removed from the value stored in contentId
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
doesContentExpire[Output] Whether or not content expires
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
contentValidUntil[Output] Content expiration time (in seconds since epoch)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
doesAllowOfflineAccess[Output] Whether or not offline access is allowed
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
referrerSize[Output] Size of buffer to hold referrer (in number of chars)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
referrerBuffer[Output] Buffer the referrer will be copied into.
referrerBufferSizeSize (in number of chars) of the referrerBuffer.
actualReferrerSize[Output] Number of chars written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If referrerBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualReferrerSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size.
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
signedAppData[Output] Dictionary of key value pairs that are signed as part of publishing license. It is the caller's responsibility to release this dictionary with MIP_CC_ReleaseDictionary
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
encryptedAppData[Output] Dictionary of key value pairs that are encrypted as part of publishing license. It is the caller's responsibility to release this dictionary with MIP_CC_ReleaseDictionary
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
url[Output] Size of buffer to hold double key URL (in number of chars)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
urlBuffer[Output] Buffer the url will be copied into.
urlBufferSizeSize (in number of chars) of the urlBuffer.
actualUrlSize[Output] Number of chars written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If urlBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualUrlSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size.
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
userRights[Output] List of users-to-rights mappings. It is the caller's responsibility to release this list with MIP_CC_ReleaseUserRightsResult
userRightsCount[Output] Number of user/rights groups
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
The value of the UserRights property will be empty if the current user doesn't have access to this information (that is, if the user does not have the VIEWRIGHTSDATA right or is not the owner of the content).
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
userRoles[Output] Gets List of users-to-roles mappings. It is the caller's responsibility to release this list with MIP_CC_ReleaseUserRolesResult
userRolesCount[Output] Number of user/roles groups
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorThe protection descriptor from which to retrieve the dynamic watermark
dynamicWatermark[Output] The retrieved dynamic watermark (null if not present)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation results is failure
Result code indicating success or failure
The returned 'dynamicWatermark' (mip_cc_dynamic_watermark*) must be freed by calling MIP_CC_ReleaseDynamicWatermark
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
supplementalInfoKey[Input] The key to the data searched for.
supplementalInfoSize[Output] Size of buffer to hold the supplemental info value (in number of chars)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
protectionDescriptorDescriptor associated with protected content
supplementalInfoKey[Input] The key to the data searched for.
supplementalInfoBuffer[Output] Buffer the value will be copied into.
supplementalInfoBufferSizeSize (in number of chars) of the supplementalInfoBuffer.
actualsupplementalInfoSize[Output] Number of chars written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If supplementalInfoBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualsupplementalInfoSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size.

◆ MIP_CC_API() [2/2]

MIP_CC_API ( void )

Release resources associated with a protection descriptor.

protectionDescriptorProtection descriptor to be released

Variable Documentation

◆ actualDescriptionSize

char const int64_t int64_t* actualDescriptionSize

Definition at line 267 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ actualNameSize

char const int64_t int64_t* actualNameSize

Definition at line 232 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ actualOwnerSize

char const int64_t int64_t* actualOwnerSize

Definition at line 197 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ actualReferrerSize

char const int64_t int64_t* actualReferrerSize

Definition at line 389 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ actualsupplementalInfoSize

const char char const int64_t int64_t* actualsupplementalInfoSize

Definition at line 547 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ actualUrlSize

char const int64_t int64_t* actualUrlSize

Definition at line 454 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ allowOfflineAccess

const int64_t const char const char const char const time_t const bool allowOfflineAccess

Definition at line 116 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ contentId

mip_cc_guid* contentId

Definition at line 312 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ contentValidUntil

int64_t* contentValidUntil

Definition at line 115 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ description

const int64_t const char const char* description

Definition at line 113 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ descriptionBuffer

char* descriptionBuffer

Definition at line 265 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ descriptionBufferSize

char const int64_t descriptionBufferSize

Definition at line 266 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ descriptionSize

int64_t* descriptionSize

Definition at line 246 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ doesAllowOfflineAccess

bool* doesAllowOfflineAccess

Definition at line 354 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ doesContentExpire

bool* doesContentExpire

Definition at line 326 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ dynamicWatermark

mip_cc_dynamic_watermark* dynamicWatermark

Definition at line 508 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ encryptedAppData

mip_cc_dictionary * encryptedAppData

Definition at line 117 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ errorInfo

const char char const int64_t int64_t mip_cc_error* errorInfo

Definition at line 91 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ labelId

mip_cc_guid* labelId

Definition at line 295 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ name

const int64_t const char* name

Definition at line 112 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ nameBuffer

char* nameBuffer

Definition at line 230 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ nameBufferSize

char const int64_t nameBufferSize

Definition at line 231 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ nameSize

int64_t* nameSize

Definition at line 211 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ ownerBuffer

char* ownerBuffer

Definition at line 195 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ ownerBufferSize

char const int64_t ownerBufferSize

Definition at line 196 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ ownerSize

int64_t* ownerSize

Definition at line 176 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ protectionDescriptor

const int64_t const char const char const char const time_t const bool const mip_cc_dictionary const mip_cc_dictionary mip_cc_protection_descriptor* protectionDescriptor

Definition at line 90 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ protectionType

mip_cc_protection_type* protectionType

Definition at line 162 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ referrer

const int64_t const char const char const char * referrer

Definition at line 114 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ referrerBuffer

char* referrerBuffer

Definition at line 387 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ referrerBufferSize

char const int64_t referrerBufferSize

Definition at line 388 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ referrerSize

int64_t* referrerSize

Definition at line 368 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ signedAppData

mip_cc_dictionary * signedAppData

Definition at line 89 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ supplementalInfoBuffer

const char char* supplementalInfoBuffer

Definition at line 545 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ supplementalInfoBufferSize

const char char const int64_t supplementalInfoBufferSize

Definition at line 546 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ supplementalInfoKey

const char * supplementalInfoKey

Definition at line 523 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ supplementalInfoSize

const char int64_t* supplementalInfoSize

Definition at line 524 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ templateId

mip_cc_guid* templateId

Definition at line 281 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ urlBuffer

char* urlBuffer

Definition at line 452 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ urlBufferSize

char const int64_t urlBufferSize

Definition at line 453 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ urlSize

int64_t* urlSize

Definition at line 433 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ userRights

Definition at line 473 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ userRightsCount

mip_cc_user_rights_result int64_t* userRightsCount

Definition at line 111 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ userRoles

Definition at line 490 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.

◆ userRolesCount

mip_cc_user_roles_result int64_t* userRolesCount

Definition at line 140 of file protection_descriptor_cc.h.