A file Containing the common types used by the upe, file and protection modules.
Contains C API definitions for common string dictionary.
Error definition and functions.
const int64_t const char const char const char const time_t const bool const mip_cc_dictionary encryptedAppData
mip_cc_handle * mip_cc_user_rights_result
mip_cc_dynamic_watermark * dynamicWatermark
char const int64_t int64_t * actualUrlSize
const mip_cc_dictionary mip_cc_protection_descriptor * protectionDescriptor
const char char * supplementalInfoBuffer
mip_cc_handle * mip_cc_user_roles_result
char const int64_t int64_t * actualOwnerSize
A description of whether protection is defined by a template or ad-hoc.
Custom, ad-hoc protection.
Based on an RMS template.
char const int64_t int64_t * actualReferrerSize
const mip_cc_dictionary signedAppData
char const int64_t referrerBufferSize
const int64_t const char const char const char const time_t const bool allowOfflineAccess
mip_cc_user_rights_result * userRights
char const int64_t int64_t * actualNameSize
int64_t * descriptionSize
bool * doesAllowOfflineAccess
const char char const int64_t supplementalInfoBufferSize
const int64_t const char const char const char * referrer
const char int64_t * supplementalInfoSize
char const int64_t urlBufferSize
const char char const int64_t int64_t * actualsupplementalInfoSize
const char * supplementalInfoKey
const int64_t userRightsCount
char const int64_t nameBufferSize
mip_cc_handle * mip_cc_protection_descriptor
char const int64_t int64_t * actualDescriptionSize
const int64_t const char const char const char const time_t * contentValidUntil
char const int64_t descriptionBufferSize
const int64_t const char const char * description
const mip_cc_dictionary mip_cc_protection_descriptor mip_cc_error * errorInfo
mip_cc_user_roles_result * userRoles
MIP_CC_API(void) MIP_CC_ReleaseProtectionDescriptor(mip_cc_protection_descriptor protectionDescriptor)
Release resources associated with a protection descriptor.
char const int64_t ownerBufferSize
mip_cc_protection_type * protectionType
const int64_t userRolesCount
const int64_t const char * name
mip_cc_protection_descriptor * descriptor
Defines success/error result codes.
API success/failure result.
Contains C API definitions for common string list.
Opaque handle to MIP object.
A group of users and the rights associated with them.
const char ** users
List of users.
int64_t rightsCount
Number of rights.
int64_t usersCount
Number of users.
const char ** rights
List of rights.
A group of users and the roles associated with them.
int64_t rolesCount
Number of roles.
const char ** users
List of users.
const char ** roles
List of roles.
int64_t usersCount
Number of users.