Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK for C: Reference 1.16
Doxygen-generated documentation for MIP SDK written in C
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mip_cc_application_action_state Struct Reference

Represents the current state of the application as it performs a label-related operation. More...

#include <src/api/mip_cc/upe/application_action_state_cc.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for mip_cc_application_action_state:

Data Fields

mip_cc_label_action_state actionState
 Describes if/how an application is attempting to change label state.
const char * downgradeJustification
 If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': Label downgrade justification text provided by user.
bool isDowngradeJustified
 If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': Whether or not a label downgrade has been justified by user.
mip_cc_label newLabel
 If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': New label.
mip_cc_label_assignment_method newLabelAssignmentMethod
 If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': The method of assignment of the new label.
mip_cc_dictionary newLabelExtendedProperties
 If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': Additional properties to be written to metadata.
mip_cc_label_action_type supportedActions
 Enum mask describing the label-related actions an application is able to perform.

Detailed Description

Represents the current state of the application as it performs a label-related operation.

Definition at line 77 of file application_action_state_cc.h.

Field Documentation

◆ actionState

mip_cc_label_action_state mip_cc_application_action_state::actionState

Describes if/how an application is attempting to change label state.

Definition at line 78 of file application_action_state_cc.h.

◆ downgradeJustification

const char* mip_cc_application_action_state::downgradeJustification

If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': Label downgrade justification text provided by user.

Definition at line 83 of file application_action_state_cc.h.

◆ isDowngradeJustified

bool mip_cc_application_action_state::isDowngradeJustified

If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': Whether or not a label downgrade has been justified by user.

Definition at line 82 of file application_action_state_cc.h.

◆ newLabel

mip_cc_label mip_cc_application_action_state::newLabel

If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': New label.

Definition at line 79 of file application_action_state_cc.h.

◆ newLabelAssignmentMethod

mip_cc_label_assignment_method mip_cc_application_action_state::newLabelAssignmentMethod

If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': The method of assignment of the new label.

Definition at line 81 of file application_action_state_cc.h.

◆ newLabelExtendedProperties

mip_cc_dictionary mip_cc_application_action_state::newLabelExtendedProperties

If 'actionType' is 'UPDATE': Additional properties to be written to metadata.

Definition at line 80 of file application_action_state_cc.h.

◆ supportedActions

mip_cc_label_action_type mip_cc_application_action_state::supportedActions

Enum mask describing the label-related actions an application is able to perform.

Definition at line 84 of file application_action_state_cc.h.

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