Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK for C: Reference 1.16
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protection_engine_cc.h File Reference

Defines C-Style ProtectionEngine functions. More...

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typedef mip_cc_handlemip_cc_protection_engine
typedef mip_cc_handlemip_cc_protection_engine_settings


 MIP_CC_API (mip_cc_result) MIP_CC_ProtectionEngine_CreateProtectionHandlerForPublishing(const mip_cc_protection_engine engine
 Creates a protection handler for publishing new content.
 MIP_CC_API (void) MIP_CC_ReleaseProtectionEngine(mip_cc_protection_engine engine)
 Release resources associated with a protection engine.
 MIP_CC_DEPRECATED_API (mip_cc_result) MIP_CC_CreateProtectionEngineSettingsWithIdentity(const mip_cc_identity *identity
 Create a settings object used to create a brand new protection engine.


char const int64_t int64_t * actualClientDataSize
char const int64_t int64_t * actualIdSize
const void mip_cc_template_descriptor const int64_t int64_t * actualTemplatesSize
bool allowCloudServiceOnly
const mip_cc_auth_callback authCallback
const char * capability
const char * clientData
char * clientDataBuffer
char const int64_t clientDataBufferSize
int64_t * clientDataSize
const mip_cc_cloud cloud
const char * cloudEndpointBaseUrl
const mip_cc_protection_handler_publishing_settings const void * context
const mip_cc_dictionary customSettings
const void const char const char const char const char * delegatedUserEmail
const mip_cc_delegation_license_settings const void mip_cc_delegation_licensesdelegationLicenses
const void const char * documentId
const char const char mip_cc_protection_engine_settingsengineSettings
const mip_cc_protection_handler_publishing_settings const void mip_cc_protection_handler mip_cc_errorerrorInfo
const mip_cc_protection_handler_publishing_settings const void mip_cc_protection_handlerhandler
char * idBuffer
char const int64_t idBufferSize
const mip_cc_identityidentity
int64_t * idSize
const void const char const char * labelId
const void const char const char const char const char mip_cc_license_infolicenseInfo
const char const char * locale
const void const char const char const char * ownerEmail
const char bool * removed
const void const char const char const char const char mip_cc_string_listrights
const char * sessionId
const mip_cc_protection_handler_publishing_settings settings
int int templateBatchingSize
const void mip_cc_template_descriptor const int64_t templateBufferSize
const void mip_cc_template_descriptortemplateDescriptors
int templateRefreshIntervalHours
const void int64_t * templatesSize
const char * underlyingApplicationId

Detailed Description

Defines C-Style ProtectionEngine functions.

Definition in file protection_engine_cc.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ mip_cc_protection_engine

Definition at line 53 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ mip_cc_protection_engine_settings

Function Documentation

◆ MIP_CC_API() [1/2]

MIP_CC_API ( mip_cc_result ) const

Creates a protection handler for publishing new content.

Gets the set of supported capabilities being passed to RMS.

Remove a capability from the set of capabilities supported when calling RMS.

Add a capability to the set of capabilities supported when calling RMS.

Sets whether or not only cloud service is allowed.

Sets underlying application ID.

Sets base URL for all service requests.

Sets cloud which affects endpoint URLs for all service requests.

Sets the session ID that can be used to correlate logs and telemetry.

Configures custom settings, used for feature gating and testing.

Sets the client data that will be stored opaquely alongside this engine and persist across sessions.

Create a settings object used to load an existing protection engine by engine ID if it already exists, else create a new engine.

Create a settings object used to create a brand new protection engine.

Get the delegation and end-user licenses associated with a protection license.

Get client data associated with a protection engine.

Gets the size of client data associated with a protection engine.

Get list of rights granted to a user for a label ID.

Get collection of templates available to a user.

Gets the number of RMS templates associated with a protection engine.

Gets engine ID.

Gets size of buffer required to engine ID.

Creates a protection handler for consuming existing content.

engineEngine under which a handler will be created
settingsProtection handler settings
contextClient context that will be opaquely passed to HttpDelegate and AuthDelegate
handler[Output] Newly-created protection handler instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
engineProtection engine
idSize[Output] Size of buffer to hold engine ID (in number of chars)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
engineProtection engine
idBuffer[Output] Buffer the id will be copied into.
idBufferSizeSize (in number of chars) of the idBuffer.
actualIdSize[Output] Number of chars written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If idBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualIdSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size.
engineProtection engine
contextClient context that will be opaquely passed to HttpDelegate and AuthDelegate
templatesSize[Output] Number of templates
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
This API may result in an independent HTTP operation. Consider using 'MIP_CC_ProtectionEngine_GetTemplates' directly with a pre-defined buffer to avoid unnecessary extra HTTP operations.
engineProtection engine
contextClient context that will be opaquely passed to HttpDelegate and AuthDelegate
mip_cc_template_descriptor[Output] buffer to create template handlers.
templateBufferSizeSize (in number of items) of the templateBuffer.
actualTemplatesSize[Output] Number of template IDs written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If templateBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualTemplateSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size. Each mip_cc_template_descriptor must be released by the caller by calling MIP_CC_ReleaseTemplateDescriptor().
engineProtection engine
contextClient context that will be opaquely passed to HttpDelegate and AuthDelegate
documentIdDocument ID assigned to the document
labelIdLabel ID applied to the document
ownerEmailOwner of the document
delagedUserEmailEmail of user if the authenticating user/application is acting on behalf of another user, empty if none
rights[Output] List of rights granted to a user, memory owned by caller
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
The 'rights' variable must be released by the caller by calling MIP_CC_ReleaseStringList
engineProtection engine
contextClient context that will be opaquely passed to the HttpDelegate and AuthDelegate
documentIdDocument ID assigned to the document
labelIdLabel ID applied to the document
ownerEmailOwner of the document
delagedUserEmailEmail of the user if the authenticating user/application is acting on behalf of another user, empty if none
licenseInfo[Output] LicenseInfo pertaining to a given label id. Memory owned by caller.
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
The returned 'licenseInfo' (mip_cc_license_info*) must be freed by calling MIP_CC_ReleaseLicenseInfo
engineProtection engine
clientDataSize[Output] Size of client data (in number of chars)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
engineProtection engine
clientDataBuffer[Output] Buffer the client data will be copied into
clientDataBufferSizeSize (in number of chars) of clientDataBuffer.
actualClientDataSize[Output] Number of chars written to the buffer
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If clientDataBuffer is null or insufficient, MIP_RESULT_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER will be returned and actualClientDataSize will be set to the minimum required buffer size.
engineThe mip_cc_protection_engine and associated identity to use when querying the licenses
settingsA collection of mip_cc_delegation_license_settings that determine which licenses to retrieve
context(Optional) Optional context that is passed along to any listening HttpDelegate.
delegationLicenses[Output] Returned collection of mip_cc_delegation_license objects.
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
To avoid memory leaks, delegationLicenses must be released using MIP_CC_ReleaseDelegationLicenses.
identityIdentity that will be associated with ProtectionEngine
authCallbackCallback object to be used for authentication, implemented by client application
clientDataCustomizable client data that is stored alongside the engine
localeLocale in which text results will output
engineSettings[Output] Newly-created settings instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
engineIdID of existing cached engine
identity(Optional) Identity that will be associated with ProtectionEngine
authCallbackCallback object to be used for authentication, implemented by client application
clientDataCustomizable client data that is stored alongside the engine
localeLocale in which text results will output
engineSettings[Output] Newly-created settings instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
'identity' will only be used for new engines. If an engine with the specified engine id already exists in the local cache, the identity from the cached engine will be used instead.
settingsEngine settings
clientDataClient data
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
engineSettingsEngine settings
customSettingsKey/value pairs of custom settings
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
settingsEngine settings
sessionIdSession ID that represents the lifetime of a protection engine
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
settingsEngine settings
cloudCloud identifier (default = Unknown)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
If cloud is not specified, then it will be determined by DNS lookup of the engine's identity domain if possible, else fall back to global cloud.
settingsEngine settings
cloudEndpointBaseUrlBase URL (e.g. '')
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
This value will only be read and must be set for Cloud = MIP_CLOUD_CUSTOM
settingsEngine settings
underlyingApplicationIdApplication ID (could be a Guid)
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
settingsEngine settings
allowCloudServiceOnlyA boolean value indicating whether or not only cloud service is allowed
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
settingsEngine settings
templateRefreshIntervalHoursHow long, in hours, a cached template will be valid to use. A value of 0 means templates should never be cached. This is the default.
templateBatchingSizeIf doing offline publishing, how many temlates will be fetched at a single time. Max 25.
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
engineSettingsEngine settings
capabilityThe capability to add to indicate a supported feature to RMS
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
engineSettingsEngine settings
capabilityThe capability to remove from the supported features in RMS
removed[Output] A boolean indiciating if the supplied capability was removed.
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
engineSettingsEngine settings
capabilities[Output] Gets the list of capabilities being passed to RMS
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
The returned 'capabilities' (mip_cc_string_list*) must be freed by calling MIP_CC_ReleaseStringList.

◆ MIP_CC_API() [2/2]

MIP_CC_API ( void )

Release resources associated with a protection engine.

Release resources associated with a protection engine settings.

engineProtection engine to release
engineSettingsProtection engine settings to be released


MIP_CC_DEPRECATED_API ( mip_cc_result ) const

Create a settings object used to create a brand new protection engine.

Sets label filter.

Create a settings object used to load an existing policy engine by engine ID if it already exists, else create a new engine.

Create a settings object used to load an existing protection engine by engine ID if it already exists, else create a new engine.

See the replacement MIP_CC_CreateProtectionEngineSettingsWithIdentityAndAuthCallback
identityIdentity that will be associated with ProtectionEngine
clientDataCustomizable client data that is stored alongside the engine
localeLocale in which text results will output
engineSettings[Output] Newly-created settings instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
See the replacement MIP_CC_CreateProtectionEngineSettingsWithEngineIdAndAuthCallback
engineIdID of existing cached engine
identity(Optional) Identity that will be associated with ProtectionEngine
clientDataCustomizable client data that is stored alongside the engine
localeLocale in which text results will output
engineSettings[Output] Newly-created settings instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
'identity' will only be used for new engines. If an engine with the specified engine id already exists in the local cache, the identity from the cached engine will be used instead.
See the replacement MIP_CC_CreatePolicyEngineSettingsWithEngineIdAndAuthCallback
engineIdID of existing cached engine
identity(Optional) Identity that will be associated with PolicyEngine
clientDataCustomizable client data that is stored alongside the engine
localeLocale in which text results will output
loadSensitivityTypesWhether or not sensitivity types data (for classification) should also be loaded
settings[Output] Newly-created settings instance
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure
'loadSensitivityTypes' should be 'true' only if application expects to later call MIP_CC_PolicyEngine_GetSensitivityTypes. Otherwise, it should be false to avoid an unnecessary HTTP operation.
'identity' will only be used for new engines. If an engine with the specified engine id already exists in the local cache, the identity from the cached engine will be used instead.
See the replacement MIP_CC_PolicyEngineSettings_ConfigureFunctionality
settingsEngine settings
labelFilterenum representing label filter, if not set default is hyok, doublekeyencryption
errorInfo[Output] (Optional) Failure info if operation result is error
Result code indicating success or failure

Variable Documentation

◆ actualClientDataSize

char const int64_t int64_t* actualClientDataSize

Definition at line 262 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ actualIdSize

char const int64_t int64_t* actualIdSize

Definition at line 131 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ actualTemplatesSize

const void mip_cc_template_descriptor const int64_t int64_t* actualTemplatesSize

Definition at line 174 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ allowCloudServiceOnly

bool allowCloudServiceOnly

Definition at line 475 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ authCallback

const mip_cc_identity const mip_cc_auth_callback authCallback

Definition at line 343 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ capabilities

mip_cc_string_list* capabilities

Definition at line 540 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ capability

const char * capability

Definition at line 507 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ clientData

const char * clientData

Definition at line 299 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ clientDataBuffer

char* clientDataBuffer

Definition at line 260 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ clientDataBufferSize

char const int64_t clientDataBufferSize

Definition at line 261 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ clientDataSize

int64_t* clientDataSize

Definition at line 241 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ cloud

const mip_cc_cloud cloud

Definition at line 431 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ cloudEndpointBaseUrl

const char* cloudEndpointBaseUrl

Definition at line 447 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ context

const mip_cc_delegation_license_settings const void* context

Definition at line 77 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ customSettings

const mip_cc_dictionary customSettings

Definition at line 400 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ delegatedUserEmail

const char * delegatedUserEmail

Definition at line 199 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ delegationLicenses

const mip_cc_delegation_license_settings const void mip_cc_delegation_licenses* delegationLicenses

Definition at line 282 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ documentId

const void const char * documentId

Definition at line 196 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ engineSettings

const mip_cc_identity const mip_cc_auth_callback const char const char mip_cc_protection_engine_settings * engineSettings

Definition at line 301 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ errorInfo

Definition at line 79 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ handler

◆ idBuffer

char* idBuffer

Definition at line 129 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ idBufferSize

char const int64_t idBufferSize

Definition at line 130 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ identity

const mip_cc_identity * identity

Definition at line 323 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ idSize

int64_t* idSize

Definition at line 110 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ labelId

const void const char const char * labelId

Definition at line 197 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ licenseInfo

const void const char const char const char const char mip_cc_license_info* licenseInfo

Definition at line 227 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ locale

const mip_cc_identity const mip_cc_auth_callback const char const char * locale

Definition at line 300 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ ownerEmail

const void const char const char const char * ownerEmail

Definition at line 198 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ removed

const char bool* removed

Definition at line 523 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ rights

const void const char const char const char const char mip_cc_string_list* rights

Definition at line 200 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ sessionId

const char* sessionId

Definition at line 414 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ settings

Definition at line 76 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ templateBatchingSize

int int templateBatchingSize

Definition at line 493 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ templateBufferSize

const void mip_cc_template_descriptor const int64_t templateBufferSize

Definition at line 173 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ templateDescriptors

const void mip_cc_template_descriptor* templateDescriptors

Definition at line 172 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ templateRefreshIntervalHours

int templateRefreshIntervalHours

Definition at line 492 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ templatesSize

const void int64_t* templatesSize

Definition at line 150 of file protection_engine_cc.h.

◆ underlyingApplicationId

const char* underlyingApplicationId

Definition at line 461 of file protection_engine_cc.h.