Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK for C: Reference 1.16
Doxygen-generated documentation for MIP SDK written in C
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cmip_cc_application_action_stateRepresents the current state of the application as it performs a label-related operation
 Cmip_cc_application_infoA struct that includes application specific information
 Cmip_cc_async_taskDefines a single async task dispatch request
 Cmip_cc_document_stateRepresents the current state of a label-aware document
 Cmip_cc_errorError information
 Cmip_cc_feature_overrideDefines a single feature's enabled/disabled state
 Cmip_cc_handleOpaque handle to MIP object
 Cmip_cc_http_headerHTTP request/response header
 Cmip_cc_http_requestHTTP request
 Cmip_cc_http_responseHTTP response
 Cmip_cc_identityA struct that contains user identification info
 Cmip_cc_kv_pairKey/value pair
 Cmip_cc_metadata_entryMetadata entry
 Cmip_cc_oauth2_challengeInformation provided by a server to generate an OAuth2 token
 Cmip_cc_user_rightsA group of users and the rights associated with them
 Cmip_cc_user_rolesA group of users and the roles associated with them