Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK for C++: Reference 1.15
Doxygen-generated documentation for MIP SDK written in C++
►Nxml | |
CAccessDeniedError | The user could not get access to the content |
CAction | Interface for an action |
CAddContentFooterAction | An action class that specifies adding a content footer to the document |
CAddContentHeaderAction | An action class that specifies adding content header |
CAddDynamicWatermarkAction | An action class that specifies adding watermark |
CAddWatermarkAction | An action class that specifies adding watermark |
CAdhocProtectionRequiredError | Adhoc protection should be set to complete the action on the file |
CApplicationInfo | A struct that includes application specific information |
CApplyLabelAction | Apply label actions requires the calling application to apply a specific label |
CAsyncControl | Class used to cancel async operation |
CAuditDelegate | A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK audit notifications |
CAuditEvent | A single audit event |
►CAuthDelegate | Delegate for auth related operations |
CBadInputError | Bad input error, thrown when the input to an SDK API is invalid |
CClassificationRequest | Class that contains the request of a classification call on the Execution State |
CClassificationResult | Class that contains the result of a classification call on the Execution State |
CConsentDelegate | Delegate for consent related operations |
CConsentDeniedError | An operation that required consent from user was not granted consent |
CContentFormatNotSupportedError | Content Format is not supported |
CContentLabel | Abstraction for a Microsoft Information Protection label that is applied to a piece of content, typically a document |
CCustomAction | CustomAction is a generic action class that captures all the sub-properties of the action as a property bag |
CCustomerKeyUnavailableError | Bring your own encryption key needed and unavailable |
CDelegateResponseError | Delegate Response Error |
CDelegationLicense | |
CDelegationLicenseSettings | |
CDeprecatedApiError | Caller invoked a deprecated API |
CDetailedClassificationResult | Class that contains the result of a classification call on the Execution State |
CDiagnosticConfiguration | Custom diagnostic configurations (not commonly used) |
CDiagnosticDelegate | A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK audit/telemetry notifications |
CDirectoryObject | The directory object information which includes- type, email, objectId and PUID |
CDirectoryObjectRights | The directory object and rights associated with it |
CDynamicWatermark | Representation of the dynamic watermark which the admin has configured for a label |
CError | Base class for all errors that will be reported (thrown or returned) from MIP SDK |
CEvent | A single audit/telemetry event |
CEventContext | A single audit/telemetry event context |
CEventProperty | A single audit/telemetry property |
CExecutionState | Interface for all the state needed to execute the engine |
CExtendedErrorInfo | |
CFileExecutionState | |
►CFileHandler | Interface for all file handling functions |
CFileInspector | |
CFileIOError | File IO error |
►CFileProfile | FileProfile class is the root class for using the Microsoft Information Protection operations |
CFileStatus | Interface for all file status functions |
CGetTemplatesSettings | Settings to use when obtaining templates |
CHttpDelegate | Interface for overriding HTTP handling |
CHttpOperation | Interface that describes a single HTTP operation, implemented by client app when overriding HttpDelegate |
CHttpRequest | Interface that describes a single HTTP request |
CHttpResponse | Interface that describes a single HTTP response, implemented by client app when overriding HttpDelegate |
CIdentity | Abstraction for identity |
CInsufficientBufferError | Insufficient buffer error |
CInternalError | Internal error |
CJsonDelegate | |
CJsonDocument | JsonDocument abstraction class |
CJsonValue | |
CJustificationRequiredError | |
CJustifyAction | Justify Action requires providing a justification to a label downgrade and setting the response in the execution state |
CLabel | Abstraction for a single Microsoft Information Protection label |
CLabelDisabledError | Label is disabled or inactive |
CLabelInfo | Label information for a template or ad-hoc (custom) protection |
CLabelingOptions | Interface for configuring labeling options for the SetLabel/DeleteLabel methods |
CLabelNotFoundError | Label ID is not recognized |
CLicenseApplicationData | The application data from a license |
CLicenseConnectionInfo | The connection information from a license |
CLicenseDescriptor | The descriptor from a license |
CLicenseInfo | Representation of the dynamic watermark which the admin has configured for a label |
CLicenseNameAndDescriptionItem | The descriptor line item from a license |
CLicenseNotRegisteredError | License is not registered |
CLicenseRightsData | The rights related information of the publishing license |
CLoggerConfiguration | Configuration to use when default logging is enabled |
CLoggerDelegate | A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK logger |
CLogMessageData | A class that stores log messages |
CMetadataAction | An Action that adds metadata information to the content |
CMetadataEntry | An abstraction class for metadata entry |
CMetadataVersion | Interface for a MetadataVersion |
CMipConfiguration | Configuration used by MIP sdk during its creation and throughout its lifetime |
CMipContext | MipContext represents state that is shared across all profiles, engines, handlers |
CMsgAttachmentData | |
CMsgInspector | |
CNetworkError | Networking error |
CNoAuthTokenError | The user could not get access to the content due to missing authentication token |
CNoPermissionsError | The user could not get access to the content |
CNoPermissionsExtendedError | The user could not get access to the content due to extended Access checks like ABAC |
CNoPolicyError | Tenant policy is not configured for classification/labels |
CNotSupportedError | The operation requested by the application is not supported by the SDK |
COperationCancelledError | Operation was cancelled |
CParsedPublishingLicense | |
CParsedPublishingLicenseBuilder | |
►CPolicyEngine | This class provides an interface for all engine functions |
CPolicyHandler | This class provides an interface for all policy handler functions on a file |
►CPolicyProfile | PolicyProfile class is the root class for using the Microsoft Information Protection operations |
CPrivilegedRequiredError | Current label was assigned as a privileged operation (The equivalent to an administrator operation), therefore it can't be overriden |
CProtectAdhocAction | An action class that specifies adding adhoc protection to the document |
CProtectAdhocDkAction | An action class that specifies adding adhoc double key protection to the document |
CProtectByEncryptOnlyAction | An action class that specifies adding encrypt only protection to the document |
CProtectByTemplateAction | An action class that specifies adding protection by template to the document |
CProtectDoNotForwardAction | An action class that specifies adding do not forward protection to the document |
CProtectDoNotForwardDkAction | An action class that specifies adding do not forward double key protection to the document |
CProtectionCommonSettings | Settings to use for protection operations |
CProtectionDescriptor | Description of protection associated with a piece of content |
CProtectionDescriptorBuilder | Constructs a ProtectionDescriptor that describes protection associated with a piece of content |
►CProtectionEngine | Manages protection-related actions related to a specific identity |
►CProtectionHandler | Manages protection-related actions for a specific protection configuration |
►CProtectionProfile | ProtectionProfile is the root class for performing protection operations |
CProtectionSettings | Interface for configuring protection options for the SetLabel method |
CProxyAuthenticationError | Proxy authentication failure |
CPublishingLicenseInfo | Holds the details of a Publishing License used to create a protection handler |
CPublishingUseLicenseRequest | Request for a use license in the publishing request |
CRecommendLabelAction | Recommend label actions is meant to suggest a label to the users |
CRemoveContentFooterAction | An action class that specifies removing the content footer from the document |
CRemoveContentHeaderAction | An action class that specifies removing the content header from the document |
CRemoveDynamicWatermarkAction | An action class that specifies removing the watermarking from the document |
CRemoveProtectionAction | An action class that specifies removing protection from the document |
CRemoveWatermarkAction | An action class that specifies removing the watermarking from the document |
CSensitivityTypesRulePackage | |
CServiceDisabledError | The user could not get access to the content due to a service being disabled |
►CStorageDelegate | A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK storage for caching |
CStorageTable | A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK storage table used for caching |
CStream | A class that defines the interface between the MIP SDK and stream-based content |
CTaskDispatcherDelegate | A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK task dispatcher |
CTelemetryDelegate | A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK telemetry notifications |
CTelemetryEvent | A single telemetry event |
CTemplateArchivedError | Template ID is archived and unavailable for protection |
CTemplateDescriptor | |
CTemplateNotFoundError | Template ID is not recognized by RMS service |
CTenantInformation | Tenant information from RMS |
CUniqueIdsAndContentFormats | |
CUserRights | A group of users and the rights associated with them |
CUserRoles | A group of users and the roles associated with them |