Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK for C++: Reference 1.16
Doxygen-generated documentation for MIP SDK written in C++
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Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK for C++ 1.16: Reference

The Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) SDK for C++ allows developers to manage and apply data protection policies to data and other digital assets. For guidance on how to use it, see Microsoft Information Protection SDK documentation.

The MIP SDK for C++ reference includes the following classes:

Class Description
AccessDeniedError The user could not get access to the content
Action Interface for an action
AddContentFooterAction An action class that specifies adding a content footer to the document
AddContentHeaderAction An action class that specifies adding content header
AddDynamicWatermarkAction An action class that specifies adding watermark
AddWatermarkAction An action class that specifies adding watermark
AdhocProtectionRequiredError Adhoc protection should be set to complete the action on the file
ApplicationInfo A struct that includes application specific information
ApplyLabelAction Apply label actions requires the calling application to apply a specific label
AsyncControl Class used to cancel async operation
AuditDelegate A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK audit notifications
AuditEvent A single audit event
AuthDelegate Delegate for auth related operations
BadInputError Bad input error, thrown when the input to an SDK API is invalid
ClassificationRequest Class that contains the request of a classification call on the Execution State
ClassificationResult Class that contains the result of a classification call on the Execution State
ConsentDelegate Delegate for consent related operations
ConsentDeniedError An operation that required consent from user was not granted consent
ContentFormatNotSupportedError Content Format is not supported
ContentLabel Abstraction for a Microsoft Information Protection label that is applied to a piece of content
CustomAction CustomAction is a generic action class that captures all the sub-properties of the action as a property bag
CustomerKeyUnavailableError Bring your own encryption key needed and unavailable
DelegateResponseError Delegate Response Error
DeprecatedApiError Caller invoked a deprecated API
DetailedClassificationResult Class that contains the result of a classification call on the Execution State
DiagnosticConfiguration Custom diagnostic configurations (not commonly used)
DiagnosticDelegate A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK audit/telemetry notifications
DirectoryObject The directory object information which includes- type, email, objectId and PUID
DirectoryObjectRights The directory object and rights associated with it
DynamicWatermark Representation of the dynamic watermark which the admin has configured for a label
Error Base class for all errors that will be reported (thrown or returned) from MIP SDK
Event A single audit/telemetry event
EventContext A single audit/telemetry event context
EventProperty A single audit/telemetry property
ExecutionState Interface for all the state needed to execute the engine
FileHandler Interface for all file handling functions
FileIOError File IO error
FileProfile FileProfile class is the root class for using the Microsoft Information Protection operations
FileStatus Interface for all file status functions
GetTemplatesSettings Settings to use when obtaining templates
HttpDelegate Interface for overriding HTTP handling
HttpOperation Interface that describes a single HTTP operation, implemented by client app when overriding HttpDelegate
HttpRequest Interface that describes a single HTTP request
HttpResponse Interface that describes a single HTTP response, implemented by client app when overriding HttpDelegate
Identity Abstraction for identity
InsufficientBufferError Insufficient buffer error
InternalError Internal error
JsonDocument JsonDocument abstraction class
JustifyAction Justify Action requires providing a justification to a label downgrade and setting the response in the execution state
Label Abstraction for a single Microsoft Information Protection label
LabelDisabledError Label is disabled or inactive
LabelInfo Label information for a template or ad-hoc (custom) protection
LabelingOptions Interface for configuring labeling options for the SetLabel/DeleteLabel methods
LabelNotFoundError Label ID is not recognized
LicenseApplicationData The application data from a license
LicenseConnectionInfo The connection information from a license
LicenseDescriptor The descriptor from a license
LicenseInfo Representation of the dynamic watermark which the admin has configured for a label
LicenseNameAndDescriptionItem The descriptor line item from a license
LicenseNotRegisteredError License is not registered
LicenseRightsData The rights related information of the publishing license
LoggerConfiguration Configuration to use when default logging is enabled
LoggerDelegate A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK logger
LogMessageData A class that stores log messages
MetadataAction An Action that adds metadata information to the content
MetadataEntry An abstraction class for metadata entry
MetadataVersion Interface for a MetadataVersion
MipConfiguration Configuration used by MIP SDK during its creation and throughout its lifetime
MipContext MipContext represents state that is shared across all profiles, engines, handlers
NetworkError Networking error
NoAuthTokenError The user could not get access to the content due to missing authentication token
NoPermissionsError The user could not get access to the content
NoPermissionsExtendedError The user could not get access to the content due to extended Access checks like ABAC
NoPolicyError Tenant policy is not configured for classification/labels
NotSupportedError The operation requested by the application is not supported by the SDK
OperationCancelledError Operation was cancelled
PolicyHandler This class provides an interface for all policy handler functions on a file
PrivilegedRequiredError Current label was assigned as a privileged operation, therefore it can't be overridden
ProtectAdhocAction An action class that specifies adding adhoc protection to the document
ProtectAdhocDkAction An action class that specifies adding adhoc double key protection to the document
ProtectByEncryptOnlyAction An action class that specifies adding encrypt-only protection to the document
ProtectByTemplateAction An action class that specifies adding protection by template to the document
ProtectDoNotForwardAction An action class that specifies adding do-not-forward protection to the document
ProtectDoNotForwardDkAction An action class that specifies adding do-not-forward double key protection to the document
ProtectionCommonSettings Settings to use for protection operations
ProtectionDescriptor Description of protection associated with a piece of content
ProtectionDescriptorBuilder Constructs a ProtectionDescriptor that describes protection associated with a piece of content
ProtectionEngine Manages protection-related actions related to a specific identity
ProtectionHandler Manages protection-related actions for a specific protection configuration
ProtectionProfile ProtectionProfile is the root class for performing protection operations
ProtectionSettings Interface for configuring protection options for the SetLabel method
ProxyAuthenticationError Proxy authentication failure
PublishingLicenseInfo Holds the details of a Publishing License used to create a protection handler
PublishingUseLicenseRequest Request for a use license in the publishing request
RecommendLabelAction Recommend label actions is meant to suggest a label to the users
RemoveContentFooterAction An action class that specifies removing the content footer from the document
RemoveContentHeaderAction An action class that specifies removing the content header from the document
RemoveDynamicWatermarkAction An action class that specifies removing the watermarking from the document
RemoveProtectionAction An action class that specifies removing protection from the document
RemoveWatermarkAction An action class that specifies removing the watermarking from the document
ServiceDisabledError The user could not get access to the content due to a service being disabled
StorageDelegate A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK storage for caching
StorageTable A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK storage table used for caching
Stream A class that defines the interface between the MIP SDK and stream-based content
TaskDispatcherDelegate A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK task dispatcher
TelemetryDelegate A class that defines the interface to the MIP SDK telemetry notifications
TelemetryEvent A single telemetry event
TemplateArchivedError Template ID is archived and unavailable for protection
TemplateNotFoundError Template ID is not recognized by RMS service
TenantInformation Tenant information from RMS
UserRights A group of users and the rights associated with them
UserRoles A group of users and the roles associated with them